Valentin Riedl Principal Investigator
The human brain consumes around 20% of the energy produced by the body. While neuroscience research has immensely progressed in understanding the micro- and macroscopic architecture of the brain, the reason for its high energy demands is still a mystery. In my research on the Neuroenergetics of the human brain, I study how energy metabolism drives neural signaling and whether it is altered in neuropsychiatric disorders.
I hold a Full Professorship for Neuroimaging at FAU where we study metabolic and immunological processes in the brain using high-field (7T) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Furthermore, we quantify the brain's energy metabolism at TUM on an integrated PET/MRI-scanner. I received my MD (Dr.med.) from TUM and my PhD (Systemic Neurosciences) from LMU after working as a Research Fellow at the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva. As a director of two award-winning documentaries, I have discovered film as a powerful medium for science communication.
Roman Belenya PhD-student
Antonia Bose PostDoc
Antonia studies the connection between cerebral and peripheral energy metabolism, using glucose-clamp procedures in the MRI. She has extensive experience in neuropsychological testing of human subjects while using different imaging methods. Antonia received a BSc in Psychology and her MSc in Cognitive Neuroscience from the Donders Institute before joining our group. If you want to learn sophisticated hip-hop moves, Antonia is your instructor.
Gabriel Castrillon Senior Scientist
Samira Epp PostDoc
Samira studies the changes in energy consumption of human brain networks when subjects perform cognitive tasks. During her PhD, she became an expert in quantitative BOLD imaging, which she currently applies at 7T and to patient cohorts. Samira received a BSc and MSc in Psychology before joining our group. If you want to know when the next big climate demonstration takes place, ask Samira.
Laura Fraticelli PhD-student
André Hechler PostDoc
Katarzyna Kurcyus PostDoc
Jingxian Shen PhD-student
Jingxian studies directional signaling across the cortex during sensory processing and anticipation. She has profound knowledge in mathematical modeling of electrophysiological signals from human brain recordings. Jingxian received her BSc in Imaging Engineering and her MSc in Neurobiology from South China Normal University. Happy 兔 year for your start into your PhD!
PostDoc and PhD positions are regularly available.
- Systemic Neurosciences (GSN)