Title: Analyzing the energy demands of the human brain
Oct 2019: The human brain has high energy demands but the energetic demands of brain network organization is still unknown. With a novel brain imaging technique (simultaneous PET/MRI), we are currently able to measure both energy metabolism of glucose and oxygen, as well as dynamic network organization. We acquire these high-dimensional, voxelwise data during different conditions in healthy human subjects and analyze it with multivariate approaches. E.g., we aim to i) characterize different brain states by applying principal component analysis (PCA), and ii) study the transition between both states using a temporal dynamic analysis (manifolds).
We offer access to brain imaging data and a research position (stud. Hilfskraft or MSc project) for a student with an informatics background, ideally with experience in:
- data reduction methods (e.g. PCA or spectral decomposition)
- Python programing language
- Docker containers is a plus
Location: Imaging lab "Neuroenergetics" (TUM, Klinikum rechts der Isar). PI: Valentin Riedl MD, PhD: www.valentinriedl.de
Contact: Gabriel Castrillon, PhD; email: gabriel.castrillon@tum.de